Oil Paintings .02

More oils from my first gallery series. I chose painting kids because I love the innocence and honesty they naturally express in their eyes. My next series which includes much larger pieces focuses more on adults so I can explore deeper world weary emotions etched in their facial features.

This series, however, was challenging in the sense of painting a smooth child's face without getting too slick with the brush work. All in all I loved working with the models. When you think about it, oil painting is basically the art of capturing an emotional moment using animal hair attached to a stick to apply paint—no Photoshop "command z" to make mistakes go away.

Anyway, my son, Josh, posed for the painting Chores and the talented film director, Tim Hodge, posed for both Drifter and Hondo which was included here in an earlier post. My apologies to all of the victims—I mean models.

The Runaway

First Shave



Jenny's Prayer

The Lil' Sheriff

The Westerner

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  1. nice work

  2. You are truly gifted my friend! "Wanted" and "Bored" are my 2 favorites, they make me laugh.


  3. I recognice that drifter. Beautiful oils. Thank you for your comment Joe. Been a long time. I'm glad you're well. Your kids must be so big now.
    Many blessings to you!

  4. Very beautiful work, Joe.

    - the Drifter.

  5. Along with the color and lighting on these paintings working so well, what I love most about these portraits is how the personality comes through with each person. Nicely done!

  6. Cute kids...made all the more adorable by your excellent paintings, Joe. Keep up the good work!

  7. Wow.... Joe, your oil paintings are outstanding! Awesome stuff!! You got to get a gallery going.
    Nice work!!

  8. Hi this is sarah! I think you did a very good job on the westerner!!!!!! you put a lot of effort into it!!!!

